
Millstone or Milestone

Today marks a milestone in my life - 30 years upon this earth. I know I'm expected to be somewhat resistant to entering my third decade, claiming 29 again or some such nonsense, but the honest truth is: I am happy to bid my 20s goodbye.

My last decade was filled with many wonderful people, places, and events, but it was equally full of heartbreak, loss, and life's lessons hard learned. I moved. I married. I divorced. I graduated. I survived. I wish I could describe the whirlwind of emotions I experienced without getting caught up in them again. Suffice it to say, I hope for a calmer 30s than I had 20s. I don't regret my 20s or wish that I could change them,  but I am glad for a new decade, a clean slate.

I am settled here in my hometown with an ideal job, a wonderful family, and still a world of possibilities before me. I don't want to change much, but it is good to know that I can just the same. I am happy, truly happy. I feel at peace with my past, content with my present, & excited about my future.

I don't know what lies ahead for me, but because of my 20s, I know myself. I am strong. I am confident, and I am in charge of who I become. I know the Lord will strengthen & keep me in the future as he has in the past, so I embark upon my 30s with a brightness of hope & genuine gratitude for the path that brought me to this place in my life.

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